
UniDocFlow is the ideal solution for digitizing and managing documents within the office and calibrating equipment in the factory.

System Purpose

UniDocFlow is an innovative E-document management system designed to revolutionize document management and workflow in the industrial sector of Vietnam.

Support for Document Digitization

This system supports the digitization of all types of documents, ranging from employment contracts to service agreements and handwritten checklists.

Time Reduction and Error Minimization

It reduces processing time and minimizes errors in office operations.

Document Workflow

Enables document approval, storage, and retrieval through document workflows.

Enhanced Productivity and Accuracy

The system aims to significantly improve business productivity and accuracy.

Challenges of Paper-Based Document Management and Solutions

Paper-based document management poses issues such as space consumption, difficult retrieval, and a high risk of human errors. UniDocFlow's product digitizes and centralizes these documents, leading to significant improvements in efficiency and accuracy.



Time Waste

Manual document processing is time-consuming.


Reduced Management Workload through Digitization

Shorten administrative processing time.

Human Errors

Frequent errors occur due to manual work.


Input Assistance

Improve input productivity and accuracy.

Information Dispersal

Paper documents are at risk of loss or damage.


Centralized Information Management

Store documents for an extended period in a database.

Access Restrictions

Immediate access to necessary documents is not possible.


Facilitated Information Access

Immediate document access when needed.


Compliance with legal document retention requirements is challenging.


Compliance Assurance

Traceability of retention requirements and approvers.

Key Features of UniDocFlow

This system offers various features to streamline document management and enhance workflow processes. Notably, it allows users to make many settings themselves, providing flexibility to adapt to the needs of businesses and organizations.

Custom Input Form Creation

Users can design document formats themselves.

Flexible Input Devices

Easily input from PCs and tablets.

Custom Document Approval Process Setup

Users can freely set approvers, reviewers, and input items for each step.

Automatic Notification Function

Automatic email notifications are sent to stakeholders when documents are approved at each step, eliminating the need for manual follow-ups.

Electronic Document History Preservation

Past documents can be easily referenced at any time, ensuring traceability, such as tracking what was changed when.

File Export

Supports exporting to Excel and Word files, and users can design these files themselves.

Key Functions

Custom Input Form Creation

Users can create input forms themselves, allowing for flexible adaptation to the required document format, enabling efficient document management and workflow execution across various fields.

Custom Document Approval Process Setup (Workflow)

Users can easily set up and customize document approval processes (workflows), freely configuring approvers, reviewers, and input items for each step, facilitating smoother and more efficient operations.

Seamless Information Exchange via Automatic Notification Function

With automatic email notifications sent to relevant parties when documents are approved at each step, manual follow-ups become unnecessary, allowing for smooth progress monitoring.

Electronic Document History Preservation

All electronic document histories are saved, enabling easy reference to past documents and providing a clear view of who approved documents and when.

File Export Function

Users can design their own Excel and Word files, exporting managed documents and data as Excel or Word files. This enables editing and analysis using external tools.

Implementation Process


Issue Identification and Requirements Definition

Clarify specific issues and needs in document management.


Product Demo and Evaluation

Receive a system demo and assess whether its features align with the company's requirements.


Quote Submission and Budget Confirmation

Consider system configuration and the need for additional development to confirm the budget required for implementation.


Coordination with Stakeholders

Discuss system implementation and requirements with relevant stakeholders, such as IT departments and operational departments.


ROI (Return on Investment) Calculation

Calculate the effects of implementation (e.g., time savings, reduced error rates) and the resulting cost reductions.


Project Plan Creation

Create a project plan with clear implementation schedules, responsible parties, and necessary resources.


Implementation Decision

Proceed with contract formalities and initiate the implementation project.

Implementation Benefits

Operational Efficiency

Automation and digitization result in increased efficiency and sophistication in day-to-day management tasks.

Improved Quality

Document history preservation and automatic notification functions enhance document quality and process transparency.

Enhanced Team Communication

Utilizing automatic notification and sharing functions makes information sharing within the team more straightforward.

Compliance Enhancement

Standardization of processes from input to workflow helps maintain compliance.

Focus on Strategic Tasks

Reduced administrative tasks allow managers to allocate more time to strategic activities.